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Isparomar Szabó Zsolt - Létezem

Isparomar Szabó Zsolt - Létezem

A 20. század utolsó évtizedében úgy tűnt, hogy senki, még az újdonságra mindig éhes közönség sem fizet – legalábbis sok pénzt nem – egy nyomtatott művészeti tárgyért, egy színezett papírlapért, egy fotográfiáért, amely valamely közvetlenül nem is érzékelhető eseményre, jelenségre, érzésre utal.

ISPAROMAR 2024.10.08.
ISPAROMAR YORK (Zsolt Szabó)'s Photographic Series Titled Give Me a Soul In The ZSDRÁL & DESIGN Gallery in Pécs

ISPAROMAR YORK (Zsolt Szabó)'s Photographic Series Titled Give Me a Soul In The ZSDRÁL & DESIGN Gallery in Pécs

“I attribute to photography the task of recording the real nature of things, their interior, their life.” André Kertész Zsolt Szabó’s photographic oeuvre is underpinned by a desire to capture meaning beyond what meets the eye and to explore detail. The artist soon discovered that this is the way in which he can best convey his message and his inner world. His black&white photographs arouse a powerful reaction, always drawing attention to the essence of things. Szabó (Pécs, 1980) pursued his studies at the University of Pécs and at Sorbonne University in Paris. He found his means of self-expression in...

ISPAROMAR 2024.03.11.
Isparomar York (Zsolt Szabó): Take Me To Paradise

Isparomar York (Zsolt Szabó): Take Me To Paradise

Photo series in memory of 9/11 – September 2018 Just like the events of 9/11 have burnt into the retina of our eyes, so has Isparomar York’s lens captured the mementos of the terror attacks. The whole world remembers what happened in New York in 2001; thanks to our flash-memory, we even know what we did that day, where we were and how we tried to understand the incomprehensible. According to the Flashbulb Memory theory developed in 1977 by two American psychologists, Roger Brown and James Kulig, of which the tragedy of 9/11 provides a textbook example, we record surprising...

ISPAROMAR 2024.03.11.